My five years at Northeastern as a member of the class of 1971 were a time of seemingly faster-than-typical shifts...
Into the Fray (and Surviving) as Northeastern News Media Adviser
In the spring of 1967, I received a call from then-Executive Vice President Ken Ryder. At the time I had just...
You Can’t Print That! Then there Was Fallout
Students did not meet the president of Northeastern University. Unless you had committed an exceptionally laudable deed, or one of...
Two Paths, One Journey Toward Light and Hope
We lived and studied in Boston at a remarkable time. In the immortal words of Charles Dickens, “It was the...

Born 50 Years Ago, Social Imperatives Are Ascendant Today
I hadn’t looked through my copy of Cauldron 1971 for many years before working on this project, but when I...
All Hail! Uncle Norty…
Even though you have been gone for more than 50 years, I still to this day appreciate your guidance and...

Sports Editor a Woman? Advancing the Cause Across Sexual Barriers
“The delivery man looked embarrassed as he stood at the entrance to the Northeastern News office. ‘Um, I have some...

Northeastern’s Campus Transformed, Evolving into City Retreat
The Northeastern University campus has changed dramatically changed since 1971, becoming larger, greener and more welcoming. If all you recall are trolley tracks, endless acres of blacktop parking lots...
I Never Discovered Who They Were
I never found out their names, although I did try years later — the names of the admission committee that...

NU Recognition Elusive for South End Grounds and Early (1871) Boston Baseball
A few years before I ever trekked Northeastern’s hallways and tunnels looking for classrooms and classmates, I was aware of...

The Third Man: Film to Museum in Vienna
VIENNA —When a motion picture — in this case “The Third Man”— is regarded by critics and its admirers as...
9/11 Still Resonates for Uncle Joel’s Nephew … and for All of Us
Joel Miller died Sept. 11, 2001, a week shy of his 56th birthday. So much has happened to this country and...

Girls Can Do That: Becoming a DJ at Northeastern Changed My Life
When I say that Northeastern University changed my life, I’m not exaggerating. And when I say that, in some ways,...

About this Special Edition: 1971-2021
On the fourth floor of the Ell Student Center from 1967-1973, students from Divisions A and B each put out a great newspaper. ...

Northeastern News Challenges Vietnam War, Status Quo
It was a thrilling time to be a college student. It was even more thrilling to be the editor of...

Making a Music Revolution: Boston Keeps this Tea Party on Stage and Radio
It was 1969, or thereabouts. A guy owed me money, and I needed it back. We agreed that he’d pay...

From Watergate to Trump: Another Tipping Point for American Democracy
In college, I experimented. It was a period of protests, politics and pharmaceuticals. I dabbled, attending protests and marches in...

In Search of America the Beautiful
My years at Northeastern were spent in Boston for school and northern New Jersey for co-op. I alternated between these...

Pictures on Film? An Epitaph for this (Nearly) Lost Art
It’s been 50 years since we put our last edition of the Northeastern News to bed. It’s a metaphoric term,...

Cooperstown Hosts the NU News for 43 Years
As the grand blizzard of winter 1978 melted into spring, an idea was hatched that old college friends should meet...

Running with a Legend and for an Angel
My route to recognizing a special but largely unappreciated pioneer American female athlete, in my very first attempt at column...
Boston then: How Little We Knew the “New Boston”
On the last day of Freshman Orientation Week in September 1966, most of us were gathered in Symphony Hall. There,...
Co-op Pushed Me Ahead of My Peers
I was filled with nerves as I walked for the first time through the door of the Courier-Post newsroom in...

Audio Essays: Hear the Original 1971 Cauldron Record and Explore the New 50th Anniversary MP3 Recording
The 1971 Cauldron yearbook included this now classic 33 1/3 RPM record that offered an aural history of life for...

Playing and Singing, Tom Rozum Explores Life Through Bluegrass
Years of co-op job training in surgical research labs at Massachusetts General Hospital qualified me to easily get work in...
Still Marching with Sgt. Pepper, the Beatles Mind-Blowing Music Woke a Generation and the World
Bruce was different from the rest of us. Very different. We were mostly working-class kids who, like me, lived at...
The Accidental Beekeeper
It was the eve of my wedding, May 11, 1979. Friends and relatives were gathering at the house in West...
NU News: An Experience that Nourished a Lifetime and a Career
I received my acceptance letter from Northeastern University in October 1968. I was congratulated on being accepted to its five-year...
Riot on Hemenway Street: Boston Police Unleashed
As political events in the spring of 1970 spiraled out of control, I decided to print the Northeastern News daily....
January 29, 1970: Hayakawa Protest Prompts Police Attacks
“Time it was, and what a time it was …” — Paul Simon, “Old Friends” Looking back, it was a...
Can You See Us Now?
A group of writers and editors of this NU News edition gathered virtually at the end of October, 2021. We...
Boston Sports Fan Making a New Life in California
Oct. 11 was a beautiful, wonderful, maybe even perfect day in Newbury Park, Calif. To set the stage, this week...
In the Rearview Mirror
All Hail 53 Years Later I was a green kid from a small town when I first set foot on...
Life Follows Love and the NU News
(Margie’s writing is in Roman type; Gil’s is in italic ) (MVP) So … (all good non-news stories start with “so,” don’t they?) … so, there...
Together and Apart
During the course of several years, members of the NU News (and often the Cauldron yearbook) decided to join together...
Secret Service Investigated Pistol-packing Yearbook Editor
Our class of 1970 started at Northeastern in September 1965. On Day 1, I was almost struck by a trolley...

Editorial Cartoon: 2021
In addition to his musical skills, Tom Rozum is also an able cartoonist. One of his efforts appears on the...
Ali and Me: My Interview (on Co-0p) with “The Greatest” Boxer of the Age
I was lucky enough to have spent my four years on co-op after freshman year working at The News-Tribune, a...