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Ell Hall, Northeasten

Northeastern’s Campus Transformed, Evolving into City Retreat

The Northeastern University campus has changed dramatically changed since 1971, becoming larger, greener and more welcoming. If all you recall are trolley tracks, endless acres of blacktop parking lots and rectangular buildings of gray brick, and you haven’t been back to the campus since your Commencement Day, you probably would be surprised by many changes. A familiar view of the entrance to Ell Hall, but with a prettier garden to soften the gray brick A returning visitor first would notice how much cleaner the buildings they remember are now. This is partly due to...

The Third Man: Film to Museum in Vienna

The Third Man: Film to Museum in Vienna

VIENNA —When a motion picture — in this case “The Third Man”— is regarded by critics and its admirers as a museum piece, an obvious challenge is how to build a museum around it. It was a challenge that Gerhard Strassgschwandtner welcomed. Situated among 15 small rooms on a rather nondescript street in central Vienna...