Harvey Vetstein

Harvey, who served in many academic and administrative roles for almost 40 years at Northeastern University, received a Bachelor of Arts in English-Journalism (1961), a Master of Arts in English and American Literature (1964), a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (C.A.G.S.) in Rehabilitation Administration (1975), and a doctorate in Higher Education Administration (1986).

His responsibilities included serving as Student Publications Advisor from 1967-1983; Senior Lecturer and Assistant Professor of English; Student Affairs Dean; and Dean and Director of Orientation, Student Activities and Judicial Affairs.

His honors and awards include: N.U. Teaching Fellowship, 1961-63; Kappa Delta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Societies; two CAULDRON yearbook dedications, 1969 and 1976; Dedicated Advocate Award, Disability Resource Center; Special Recognition Award, NU Campus Police Division; and “Excellence in Teaching” Award, College of Liberal Arts.

Miscellany: He developed and taught NU’s first African-American literature courses for both the day and evening programs; recommended and developed the proposal and budget for the establishment of the Office of Services for the Handicapped (title later changed to Disability Resource Center, 1974); wrote the University’s transition report, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, for the then-Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; and developed the proposal and budget for the establishment of the Office of Parents Services.

He was a United States Army veteran and graduate of the Army Intelligence School, Fort Holabird, Md.

Harvey married Marcia (Arnold), who passed away October 17, 2020. His three children (Scott, Michael, and Amy) have three grandchildren (Chad, Matthew, and Jordan Lee Vetstein).

(Harvey Vetstein graduated from Northeastern University in 1961 with a degree in Liberal Arts.He subsequently received his Masters degree and a Ph.D. from the university)

Ever enthusiastic and engaged, Harvey died on September 22, 2023 at his home in Boynton Beach, Florida. He was 87 years old.