Ed has had an outstanding career spanning the journalistic, philanthropic and nonprofit arenas. He was the editor of two weekly newspapers; was an award-winning military editor; and was an adjunct college instructor (English composition, journalism, and public speaking) for over 30 years.
He established and directed the Terry Fox 5-k charity run (Bangor, Maine) over a span of two decades, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for local cancer research. Additionally, he is a co-creator of the Angel Fund, which has grown into a multimillion-dollar research fund (Massachusetts) to find a cure for ALS. He also edited a book of essays, featuring stories about those involved in the fight against ALS, called “If They Could Only Hear Me.”
He is the author of three biographies: Louis Sockalexis, the first-known Native American to play professional baseball; Andrew Sockalexis, 1912 Olympic marathon runner, and Robin Emery, the first woman to run road races in Maine.
Starting in 2009, he worked passionately to help spearhead the drive to end public school use of Native American nicknames and mascots in Maine. Today, Maine is the first state in the nation to end all use of such nicknames and mascots.
He was inducted into the Maine Running Hall of Fame in 2018.
Ed credits Northeastern News colleagues Richard Tourangeau (tireless research work), Scott Kaeser (Tide-mark publisher) and Jeanne Ryder (proof reader) for all playing invaluable roles in helping him to make his first published book a reality.
(Ed Rice is a 1971 Northeastern University graduate with a degree in Liberal Arts.)

First published in 2005, Rice edited this series of essays (including his own) on behalf of The Angel Fund, a greater Boston research organization he co-founded and that is dedicated to finding a cure for ALS

In this March, 2019 biography, Rice chronicles the life of the first woman to enter many road races, in 1972, around the state of Maine, capturing more than 260 individual, overall women’s titles, and who continues running to this day

First published in 2003, Rice’s newly-reissued (August, 2019) biography, is the story of the first-known Native American to play professional baseball, the man who inspired the long-time, though controversial nickname for the Cleveland team