Category: Bottom Boxes

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Editorial Cartoon: 2021

Editorial Cartoon: 2021

In addition to his musical skills, Tom Rozum is also an able cartoonist. One of his efforts appears on the front page of this special edition. It was drawn and published in the Northeastern News 50 years ago. This year we asked Tom to fashion a new editorial cartoon that comments on America in 2021....

Playing and Singing, Tom Rozum Explores Life Through Bluegrass

Playing and Singing, Tom Rozum Explores Life Through Bluegrass

Years of co-op job training in surgical research labs at Massachusetts General Hospital qualified me to easily get work in the Physiology Department at the University of Arizona Medical School in Tucson. But then, exactly a year after graduating from Northeastern in 1973, my life took a hard right turn when I was asked to...

Audio Essays: Hear the Original 1971  Cauldron Record and Explore the New 50th Anniversary MP3 Recording

Audio Essays: Hear the Original 1971 Cauldron Record and Explore the New 50th Anniversary MP3 Recording

The 1971 Cauldron yearbook included this now classic 33 1/3 RPM record that offered an aural history of life for Northeastern college students between 1966 and 1971 The 1971 Cauldron yearbook was a creative break from what had gone before, befitting the times and its spirit of innovation and experimentation. Graduating seniors opened the book...

Grand Canyon at Dusk

In Search of America the Beautiful

My years at Northeastern were spent in Boston for school and northern New Jersey for co-op. I alternated between these two environments that were, and still are, mostly urban.  One can only dream of America’s wide open spaces while staring out the dorm windows on Hemenway Street. Fifty years hence, I am retired and still have...

Ell Hall, Northeasten

Northeastern’s Campus Transformed, Evolving into City Retreat

The Northeastern University campus has changed dramatically changed since 1971, becoming larger, greener and more welcoming. If all you recall are trolley tracks, endless acres of blacktop parking lots and rectangular buildings of gray brick, and you haven’t been back to the campus since your Commencement Day, you probably would be surprised by many changes. A familiar view of the entrance to Ell Hall, but with a prettier garden to soften the gray brick A returning visitor first would notice how much cleaner the buildings they remember are now. This is partly due to...

Running with a Legend and for an Angel

Running with a Legend and for an Angel

My route to recognizing a special but largely unappreciated pioneer American female athlete, in my very first attempt at column writing for the Northeastern News in 1967, wound its way through a pretty absurd loss of innocence.  Today, it is a complete relief to me that the actual column would never merit renewed scrutiny or, thank God,...

Racing the Clock at Curfew? Learning to Wear a Miniskirt? Welcome to the Class of 1971

Racing the Clock at Curfew? Learning to Wear a Miniskirt? Welcome to the Class of 1971

     My five years at Northeastern as a member of the class of 1971 were a time of seemingly faster-than-typical shifts in the political and cultural landscape, dominated by reaction to the Vietnam War, but with other changes developing along parallel and/or intersecting tracks.  Much has already been written about those times, and explaining them properly...